Les pratiques traditionnelles de l’utilisation des produits forestiers non ligneux(PFNL) d’origine végétale cas : d’écorce, graines, feuilles, fruits et racines de (Myrianthus arboreus) par les populations rurales de Kalima/Pangi/Maniema/RDC

  • Ir. ADAM ZAKUANI Assistant deuxième mandat à l’Université du Moyen- Lualaba
  • BARUANI BWANAMUDOGO Célestin Assistant deuxième mandat à l’Institut supérieur de développement rural /ISDR-KINDU
Keywords: Traditional practices, non-timber forest product, Myrianthus arboreus, Kalima


Our research focused on "traditional practices of using non-wood forest products (NTFPs) of plant origin case: bark, seed, leaves, fruits and roots of Myrianthusarboreus by rural populations of Kalima / Pangi / Maniema The present study aims to determine the traditional phyto-therapeutic values, to identify the diseases, the traditional methods of treatment in order to verify the marketing of these non-wood forest products coming from Myrianthusarboreus in our Middle.

The free interview of a pre-established questionnaire on a sample of 80 people grouped from 4 target districts of the rural municipality of Kalima and the documentary method allowed us to collect some information on the traditional practices of non-timber forest products of Myrianthusarboreus. as drugs. Our results show that rural populations have a good grasp of these resources and their methods of treatment and they have knowledge of the use of seeds, leaves, bark and roots to cure certain diseases such as: angina, diarrhea, boils, lumbar pain, diabetes, gonorrhea.


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How to Cite
Ir. ADAM ZAKUANI, & Célestin, B. B. (2019). Les pratiques traditionnelles de l’utilisation des produits forestiers non ligneux(PFNL) d’origine végétale cas : d’écorce, graines, feuilles, fruits et racines de (Myrianthus arboreus) par les populations rurales de Kalima/Pangi/Maniema/RDC. IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4(11), 32-43. https://doi.org/10.53555/sshr.v4i11.3303

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