The present survey is about the funeral practices in general in the city of Kisangani and in the common Mangobo in particular. He/it is question to study the behaviors, the attitudes, the constructions cultural of the roles, the customary practices that organize themselves at the time of ceremonies of the funeral, that are altered today. He/it observes himself/itself in the common Mangobo of the funeral practices that lets to want to the look of their consequences on the future generations. It is also the case of obscene dances that looks well like the non admitted spectacles children.
The transportation of the deadly remains in Mangobo doesn't make itself on board of a hearse or another suitable transportation means, but the remains is transported to 80% to the shoulders of the young people. All along the road, the funeral cortege executes songs to the immoral content while having fun with the body to the risk to make fall it.
Where the mourning is organized, there are people, in most cases that come in a state of insobriety that plays musics non adapted to the circumstance, the volume of the too strong music to break the eardrum.
The behaviors as described high here constitute some infringements altogether to the look of sla Congolese legislation.
There is grounds to understand, through the present survey, the reasons of the non eradication of these practices contrary to the Congolese positive right. From where an anthropological survey combined to the legal survey is indispensable in order to put a term to these practices Contra legem.
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Textes officiels
o Constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo du 18/02/2006
o Ordonnance-loi n° 78-289 du 3 juillet 1978 relative à l’exercice des attributions d’officier et agent de police judiciaire près les juridictions de droit commun
o Décret du 30 janvier 1940 portant code du travail tel que modifié et complété à ce jour
o Décret du 6 août 1959 portant code de procédure pénale
o Registre des rapports circonstanciés de la commune Mangobo, exercices 2004, 2005 et 2006
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