Cross-Border Cybercrimes and International Law: Challenges in Ensuring Justice in a Digitally Connected World

  • Mohammad Tarek Hasan
Keywords: Cross-border cybercrime, international law, jurisdiction, cyber terrorism, digital justice, cyber security


In the contemporary era of digital connectivity, cross-border cybercrimes have become a prominent issue that challenges traditional legal frameworks and jurisdictions. Cybercriminals exploit the internet’s borderless nature to commit transnational offenses such as hacking, cyber fraud, identity theft, ransom ware attacks, and cyber terrorism, impacting individuals, corporations, and governments worldwide. Despite efforts to establish international legal frameworks, discrepancies in national laws and jurisdictional boundaries hinder the effective prosecution of cybercriminals and the provision of justice to victims. This study explores the legal, technical, and cooperative challenges that arise from cross-border cybercrimes, assessing the role of international law in combating this complex issue.


Using a mixed-methods approach, the research examines various forms of cybercrime and the intricacies of pursuing justice across different legal jurisdictions. The study reviews current international conventions, such as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, while highlighting gaps in enforcement, especially in cases involving countries that have not adopted standardized cybercrime laws. Additionally, this research analyzes cybercrime reports and cyber-law case studies to illustrate the limitations faced by international bodies in harmonizing cyber security regulations and promoting cooperative law enforcement.


The findings reveal that while initiatives like Interpol’s Global Complex for Innovation have improved international cybercrime response, substantial obstacles remain due to inconsistent cyber laws, lack of resources, and variations in cyber security infrastructure across nations. This paper emphasizes the need for a robust, unified approach that includes updating existing treaties, fostering collaboration among international law enforcement agencies, and establishing globally recognized cyber laws. By addressing these challenges, the international community can better ensure justice in a digitally connected world, ultimately fostering a more secure cyberspace for global citizens.

How to Cite
Hasan, M. T. (2024). Cross-Border Cybercrimes and International Law: Challenges in Ensuring Justice in a Digitally Connected World. IJRDO Journal of Law and Cyber Crime, 4(1), 1-7. Retrieved from