Enseignement et apprentissage de la chimie par l’approche par situations : Analyse et perspective, cas des écoles de Lubumbashi en République Démocratique du Congo.
The objective of this work was to verify the effectiveness of the practicability of the approach
through situations in schools in this educational area. This study concerned 36 teachers who
led the chemistry course in first scientific humanity and at the same time in the 8th basic
education class, 180 students and parents of these students. After analyzing the data using the
chi-square test and Fisher's Z test, the set of results indicates the absence of chemistry
equipment, the insufficiency of experimental practice by the students, there was question of
the demonstration during some rare manipulations and the contributions of the situation-based
approach were not found among the students. The multiplication of training in Approach
through situations and the collaboration between teachers and artisans exploiting the notions
of chemistry found in the learners' environment for the contextualization of chemistry remain
the strong points to be encouraged.
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